President Sally Morch takes over for 2020/21
Sally is from Dunedin, acknowledged her Genealogy in Maori.
She thanked her supporting Whanau Sue(her daughter) and Mike Vennik and friend Jackie Mayne for their attendance.
She also acknowledged her siblings in Australia; Chris, Jo and Carl who were watching live via zoom.
Her late husband Evan joined our club on 1st April 1986 and encouraged her to take on roles within Rotary.
She mentioned that there were opportunities for our club to help those in need effected by COVID 19 not just monetarily but providing physical help

Sally thanked David for his year as President on behalf of the club. Also acknowledged the work that Raewyn has done supporting David with the presentation of flowers.

She presented Rotary Pins (with the new Rotary theme for 2020/21 Rotary Opens Opportunities) to:
David Lusk: Past President
Murray Gillespie: Secretary
Des Friedrich: Treasurer
Wally Garrett: Community, Projects and Trust Director
Dennis Eales: Membership and IYE District Liaison.
Sally completed her address with a waiata.
A full transcript can be seen of the evening from David's Presidents Report to Sally's induction by clicking on the following link: